Decades of Achievement with Lasting Results
The partnership between Alaska Business and Junior Achievement goes back to 1987, and the magazine’s relationship with Hall of Famers from First National Bank Alaska goes back to issue #1.
The partnership between Alaska Business and Junior Achievement goes back to 1987, and the magazine’s relationship with Hall of Famers from First National Bank Alaska goes back to issue #1.
In the ten years since voters upheld SB21, oil taxation has seen a decade of relative stability. Has the tax structure lived up to its promise of boosting investment in Alaska’s oil fields?
The majority of North Slope infrastructure is financed, constructed, and maintained by private entities to support their oil exploration and production activities. Despite North Slope explorers and operators always having an eye on efficiency, some infrastructure (such as processing facilities) isn’t well suited for sharing among multiple companies. However, other infrastructure does lend itself to common use, such as roads and pipelines.
Alaska Business provided identical image and text prompts to a human team and AI content generators: you read the results and decide who or what did it better.
Two exceptional Alaskans are being inducted into the Alaska Innovators Hall of Fame this year: LeeAnn Munk and Mary Beth Leigh.
Among hundreds of village and urban corporations, no two have chosen the exact same path to meet that mandate. Here are highlights and updates for a handful.
Read an extended Off the Cuff interview with Sarah Glaser, the incredibly talented designer of our July 2022 cover.
Oil and gas operations in the eight Arctic countries are incredibly varied, ranging from national policies that discourage oil and gas to country-wide efforts to ramp up production.
In October I took advantage of an opportunity to participate in JA in a Day, a program by Junior Achievement (JA) of Alaska that brings volunteers into schools to teach students about business.