by Larry Persily | Mar 1, 2018 | Finance, Government
“To date, only minimal drafts, and in most cases just outlines, of these plans have been provided, and/or the development of the plans have been deferred to a later date,” FERC said, referring to its past requests of AGDC for proposed mitigation plans for wildlife avoidance, marine mammal monitoring, vegetation and soils restoration, groundwater monitoring, and invasive plants.
by Julie Stricker | Jan 9, 2018 | Arctic, Finance, Oil & Gas
2018 Oil and Gas Forecast The Caelus discovery at Smith Bay could lead to a significant increase in oil production on the North Slope. IMAGE COURTESY OF CAELUS ENERGY Julie Stricker Discoveries, production increases lead to industry optimism While oil prices are...
by alaskabusiness | Jan 4, 2018 | Arctic, Construction, Education, Energy, Government, Oil & Gas, Telecom & Tech
As we do each year, Alaska Business asked industry leaders and public officials to provide us with insight into what they expect to see for the state’s economy in the coming year.
by Tracy Barbour | Jan 4, 2018 | Finance, Healthcare, Insurance
For most employers in Alaska, workers’ compensation insurance is an integral part of operating a business.