Henderson Steps in As New Municipal Manager
Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson announced the departure of Municipal Manager Bill Falsey. Falsey served in this role since November 2017, and previously served as Municipal Attorney beginning in 2015. Anna Henderson will begin serving as the Municipal Manager upon his departure.
Falsey agreed several times to extend his length of service beyond his original plans: first to serve as the incident commander leading the MOA’s emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic; later, to ensure the municipality’s successful completion of the sale of ML&P to Chugach Electric Association; and finally, to assist with the recent mayoral transition.
Henderson has served the Municipality for fourteen years, most recently as deputy municipal manager since October 30, 2020. She previously served as the general manager of ML&P, where she led all aspects of utility business and was instrumental in the Municipality’s lengthy and complex effort to sell ML&P to Chugach Electric.
Prior to serving as general manager of ML&P, Henderson was responsible for regulatory affairs at ML&P and routinely testified before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) on matters of policy, finance, and operations. Henderson is a graduate of UAA with a bachelor’s in business administration.