D.C. Vet Launches Strategy Consultancy
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A veteran of the Trump administration is publicly launching the Alaska operations of her consulting firm, Tack 71 Strategies. Principal and CEO Tara Sweeney incorporated the Girdwood-based LLC in February 2021.
Quarterback for Hire
Specializing in US public and circumpolar Arctic policy, Tack 71 Strategies helps executives and businesses quarterback complex issues. “Tack 71 has proven leadership strategies and outreach that make a difference. We provide smarter strategies for purpose-driven advocacy and engagement,” Sweeney says.
Tack 71 Strategies focuses on core policy areas that include circumpolar Arctic policy, broadband and infrastructure, energy, economic development and growth, and federal Alaska Native policy. Strategy development focus areas include strategic leadership, purpose-driven advocacy, Arctic networks and diplomacy, crisis navigation, stakeholder engagement, and government affairs support.
Sweeney adds, “I am especially proud of our strategic partnerships that focus on community resilience, economic development, policy impacting Native Americans, and natural resources.” Tack 71 specifically highlights its strategic partnerships within fish, wildlife, wildfire, and public lands management; natural resources economics; strategic communication development; federal grant assistance; federal budget development; federal Indian policy; and federal Indian gaming policy and procedures.
Sweeney has a bachelor’s degree in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University. She was Special Assistant for Rural Affairs and Education to Governor Frank Murkowski and served as co-chair of the Alaska Federation of Natives in 2013. She was Executive Vice President of External Affairs for Arctic Slope Regional Corporation in 2017 when she was nominated to the position of Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs.
While at the department, Sweeney had a transformative impact on the oversight of the government’s trust responsibility and treaty obligations to 574 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. She formed Tack 71 Strategies shortly after leaving office.
This month, Sweeney also joined the re-election campaign for Congressman Don Young, serving as co-chair alongside state Senator Josh Revak (R-Anchorage). She previously co-chaired Dan Sullivan’s successful campaign for US Senate in 2014.
After unanimous confirmation by the US Senate, Tara Sweeney is sworn in as the first ever Alaska Native to oversee the Bureau of Indian Affairs as an Assistant Secretary of Interior in September, 2018.
United States House of Representatives, Office of Don Young
Architecture & Engineering + Interior
February 2025
In our February 2025 issue, we highlight how architecture and engineering improve every facet of our daily lives, from increasing the availability and affordability of housing to building small businesses and improving community safety. Projects like these are helmed by Alaska’s exceptional professionals, including the 2024 Anchorage Engineer of the Year Nominees. In the Interior, Red Dog Mine and the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum are both making big moves. Enjoy!