Manh Choh’s First Year: 8 Million Miles of Gold
Kinross Alaska recaps a year of mining at Manh Choh, one-quarter of the way through the life of the Interior gold mine.
Kinross Alaska recaps a year of mining at Manh Choh, one-quarter of the way through the life of the Interior gold mine.
Gold production has commenced at Manh Choh, Alaska’s newest major mine. Review the history of the Kinross-Contango ORE joint venture and the impact the project is having on the Interior.
Operations have started at the Manh Choh gold mine near Tok, but the production phase is a year away, pending modifications to the mill at the Fort Knox mine near Fairbanks.
The operator of the Fort Knox gold mine presented $350,000 to UAF to establish the Kinross Alaska Future Leaders Endowed Scholarship, with the goal of diversifying the resource development workforce.