USDA Seeks Public Input on Outdoor Projects for 2022 and Beyond
LaraBelova |
JUNEAU— The USDA Forest Service – Alaska Region is seeking public input on proposed outdoor recreation and infrastructure projects for 2022 and feedback on project ideas for 2023 through 2025. Those projects may include work on cabins, campgrounds, trailheads, trails, roads, bridges, parking areas, visitor centers, day-use areas, boat ramps, marine facilities, and picnic areas.
The public’s review and feedback on projects submitted by both the Chugach and Tongass National Forests are important for project review and selection.
“We want to hear from Alaskans on which projects should take priority,” said Regional Forester Dave Schmid. “We are looking forward to compiling input on proposed projects and gathering ideas for future ones.”
The Forest Service hopes a variety of stakeholders, including the public, partners, tribes, and Alaska Native corporations, will help it identify needed work on outdoor projects.
The proposals vary in size and location and focus on projects that repair existing sites and facilities, possibly remove those that no longer meet public needs, and allow for additional infrastructure.
An online, interactive map feature will be available for public comments starting October 22, 2020 and will continue through November 3, 2020. More information and online links will be provided on how to share feedback on proposed and potential projects as the public engagement period draws closer.
Architecture & Engineering + Interior
February 2025
In our February 2025 issue, we highlight how architecture and engineering improve every facet of our daily lives, from increasing the availability and affordability of housing to building small businesses and improving community safety. Projects like these are helmed by Alaska’s exceptional professionals, including the 2024 Anchorage Engineer of the Year Nominees. In the Interior, Red Dog Mine and the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum are both making big moves. Enjoy!