by Tasha Anderson | Jun 24, 2019 | Magazine, Mining, Telecom & Tech
From more efficient trucks to AI managing massive data, all levels of new tech in mining allow the industry to produce the raw materials necessary for society to pursue everything from reliable, affordable energy to advancing smart technology.
by alaskabusiness | Apr 12, 2019 | Featured, Mining, News
Employees at Usibelli Coal Mine (UCM) worked 798 consecutive days without a single lost time accident (LTA), setting a new record for safety at the mine.
by Curtis J. Freeman | Nov 1, 2018 | Mining
Although the Alaska mineral industry is in better health in 2018 than it has been in the last five years, the spirited recovery that was in progress in the first quarter of the year turned into a dead-cat bounce, a minor unsustained recovery after a long down trend extending back to 2012.