2.  | Alaska Top Docs

Vote Now for

Alaska Top Docs


Voting is only open to licensed doctors in Alaska.

Results are based on peer nominations.

Vote Now for Alaska Top Docs

Methodology & Disclaimers (M&D)

Summary: To create the list, Alaska Business Publishing Co. contracted DataJoe Research to facilitate an online peer-voting and internet research process. DataJoe Research is a software and research company specializing in data collection and verification that conducts various surveys across the United States on behalf of publishers. To create the list, DataJoe Research facilitates an online peer-voting process, paired with an internet research process to verify the identity and license status of the nominees. DataJoe checked and confirmed that each published winner had (at the time of review) a current, active license status with the appropriate state regulatory board. If DataJoe Research was not able to find evidence of a doctor’s current, active registration with the state regulatory board, that doctor was excluded from the list. In addition, DataJoe Research checked available public sources to identify doctors disciplined for an infraction by the state regulatory board. These entities were excluded from the list. Finally, DataJoe presented the tallied result to the magazine for its final review and adjustments.

Final note: Alaska Business Publishing Co. recognizes that there are many good doctors who are not shown in this representative list. This is only a sampling of the huge array of talented professionals within the region. Inclusion in the list is based on the opinions of responding doctors in Alaska. Although DataJoe Research takes time and energy to ensure fair voting, the results of this survey nomination campaign are not an objective metric.

Disclaimers: DataJoe uses best practices and exercises great care in assembling content for this list. DataJoe does not warrant that the data contained within the list are complete or accurate. DataJoe does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All rights reserved. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without written permission from DataJoe.

Questions? For research/methodology questions, contact the research team at surveys@datajoe.com.